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Refresh History
  • LIVE DynastySports: @jmtrops OTC
    Today at 03:20:58 AM
  • LIVE DynastySports: ProFSL is within 130 Guests of setting a new site record. At this time of night.
    Today at 03:33:25 AM
  • LIVE DynastySports: Tomorrow... NCAA LIVE recruiting begins 8PM EST.
    Today at 03:35:14 AM
  • LIVE DynastySports: Well i guess thats later today actually.
    Today at 03:35:50 AM
  • LIVE DynastySports: NHL LIVE DRAFT IN SESSION [link]
    Today at 03:39:01 AM
  • LIVE DynastySports: ProFSL is within 31 Guests of setting a new site record. At 5AM EST.
    Today at 06:12:22 AM
  • Ben: New record at 7:26
    Today at 08:27:13 AM
  • Mt_Crushmore: still looking for opportunities in the draft. Make an offer if interested in players.
    Today at 09:42:27 AM
  • Interpaga: CCD rookie draft will start in less than 3 hours. Pacers OTC
    Today at 10:32:28 AM
    Today at 11:54:41 AM
  • LIVE DynastySports: ProFSL has set an all time record hosting Guests on this site. The record is climbing in real time.
    Today at 12:04:10 PM
    Today at 02:32:34 PM
  • Brent: Sent my first trade offer in NHL Live.
    Today at 02:52:41 PM
  • jschwab: Back to you Brent
    Today at 03:09:06 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: ProFSL has hit 2k for the first time in its history. We are streaming 2,000+ LIVE Guests.
    Today at 03:14:29 PM
  • Brent: @jschwab posted.  [link]
    Today at 03:18:00 PM
  • jschwab: And confirmed.
    Today at 03:20:25 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: And being processed.
    Today at 03:27:53 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: Fantraxed, SS, and archived. Sorry it took us so long, we were running the draft and having a quick discussion. Congratulations @Brent on that first one.
    Today at 03:39:37 PM
    Today at 03:48:11 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: @Cloud91 OTC
    Today at 03:48:31 PM
  • Rhino7: 1 hour draft pick clock hell yeah
    Today at 05:31:41 PM
  • Ben: I'm around if anyone wants to talk deals
    Today at 05:48:36 PM
  • earl92689@gmail.com: Hey can I play NHL live I wrote to Daddy but I don't know if he saw my message so I'm asking here
    Today at 06:04:26 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: I saw @Earl
    Today at 06:06:40 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: Im not @Daddy anymore. I retired the profile and attitude.
    Today at 06:07:03 PM
  • earl92689@gmail.com: Okay so can I have the last team that's open with help
    Today at 06:07:34 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: I will get you set up in a minute. I got my hands full but i got you LIVE GM.
    Today at 06:07:45 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: Welcome back Earl
    Today at 06:08:08 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: You showed up at a great time.
    Today at 06:08:19 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: You will get the New York Islanders & Congratulations
    Today at 06:09:49 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: Im going to need a few to set all that up. I will pm you.
    Today at 06:10:17 PM
  • earl92689@gmail.com: I'm happy to be back though
    Today at 06:11:52 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: Lol. Earl give me just a few
    Today at 06:16:50 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: I got everyones proxys.
    Today at 06:17:24 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: @ldsjayhawks been made his selection via proxy. (True professional that guy).
    Today at 06:17:55 PM
  • earl92689@gmail.com: I just wish this was for real money lol
    Today at 06:18:51 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: LDS im heading out in abt 10-20 mins u should have my proxy
    Today at 06:20:18 PM
  • TheProfessor: this could get confusing, between LDS (aka LIVE Dynasty Sports, aka JW) and ldsjayhawk (aka Cris)
    Today at 06:25:25 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: Didnt think about that
    Today at 06:28:06 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: You can call me Pop Pop ;)
    Today at 06:28:22 PM
  • Ben: Or P P for shorter. :rofl:
    Today at 06:29:59 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: Watch it. You will log on and be called BenDover.
    Today at 06:31:18 PM
  • TheProfessor: "Hi Ben, nice to meet ya."
    Today at 06:32:44 PM
  • Ben: Hi Dan.
    Today at 06:35:15 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: NHL LIVE DRAFT NOW IN SESSION ROUND TWO [link] The Utah Yetis are on the clock.
    Today at 06:35:28 PM
  • TheProfessor: Sorry, Ben, I was referring to this: [link]
    Today at 06:36:11 PM
  • ndog: I don't think Ben got the Fletch reference
    Today at 06:37:48 PM
  • Ben: I didn't.
    Today at 07:43:25 PM
  • Ben: This is a classic: [link]
    Today at 07:43:38 PM