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Refresh History
  • Daddy: Look under the word "Leagues" at the top of your screen. Then look straight down the line.
    Yesterday at 07:39:13 PM
  • ndog: I see that box at the top right that minimizes and maximizes the team spreadsheet links
    Yesterday at 07:40:01 PM
  • ndog: i see the min/max box for this chat but this is the site chat.
    Yesterday at 07:40:16 PM
  • ndog: not sure why but I don't see a league chat for NCAA.
    Yesterday at 07:41:26 PM
  • Daddy: @ndog go to the transactions page
    Yesterday at 07:41:28 PM
  • Daddy: The chat box is there
    Yesterday at 07:41:51 PM
  • Daddy: [link]
    Yesterday at 07:42:11 PM
  • ndog: yeah, I don't know why but I don't see a chat for NCAA Live.  Not a big deal I just don't see it for some reason.
    Yesterday at 07:47:13 PM
  • Daddy: Im chasing a few glitches, i will look into it.
    Yesterday at 07:50:32 PM
  • Daddy: We use both league and main chats. We also use fantrax chat and pms/dms to communicate.
    Yesterday at 07:52:11 PM
  • Daddy: 5 point communication
    Yesterday at 07:52:48 PM
  • Daddy: If you are in a league you need to see its chat.
    Yesterday at 07:53:19 PM
  • Daddy: This chat information is gone quickly
    Yesterday at 07:53:53 PM
  • ndog: for reference, I see a league chat for MLB Live but not NCAA Live, not NFL, NHL or NBA live.
    Yesterday at 08:00:08 PM
  • ndog: I'm not in MLB Live but I see the league chat
    Yesterday at 08:00:17 PM
  • ndog: I don't see it on any other Live leagues.
    Yesterday at 08:00:34 PM
  • Daddy: I will fix it. I can fix anything. Give me a minute though.
    Yesterday at 08:16:12 PM
  • Daddy: And Welcome back @Nate :toast:
    Yesterday at 08:17:19 PM
  • ndog: Thanks
    Yesterday at 08:17:51 PM
  • Daddy: If you click on your name it takes you to your ProFSL account.
    Yesterday at 08:25:55 PM
  • Daddy: There are personalized account settings there. For example you can change your profile to see the latest posts first. Instead of the original post.
    Yesterday at 08:26:45 PM
  • Daddy: I update the signup sheets on both ends because some are looking at it upside down.
    Yesterday at 08:27:13 PM
  • Daddy: You can custom edit your profile to ignore certain things like chat boxes or entire leagues or users.
    Yesterday at 08:28:07 PM
  • Daddy: You can make ProFSL fit your own preferences.
    Yesterday at 08:28:39 PM
  • Daddy: You can allow or disallow emails. Etc etc etc
    Yesterday at 08:29:08 PM
  • Daddy: When you cant do something, its because something in your profile is restricting it. For the most part that aint me.
    Yesterday at 08:29:47 PM
  • Daddy: Custom set up your own profile. To fit how you see things on ProFSL. In the event you need anything i am here to assist
    Yesterday at 08:32:09 PM
  • Daddy: One last thing @ndog... Let me know if you would rather be Nate, NateDog, or a different screen name. ProFSL got you. :toth:
    Yesterday at 08:37:09 PM
  • Daddy: More updates coming soon.
    Yesterday at 08:37:44 PM
  • ndog: OK I see league chats in NCAA and NHL Live now.  Still don't see one for NBA Live (maybe it's not setup yet).
    Yesterday at 08:45:34 PM
  • ndog: And i'm good with ndog.  Pretty sure most will figure out that's code for Nate Dog. :)
    Yesterday at 08:46:00 PM
  • Daddy: There are Dawgs on this site. Love of the game big footed werewolves. But they are good dudes. They are competition certified. NHL/NBA/NCAA x2. You are in for quite the ride. :)
    Yesterday at 08:58:14 PM
  • Daddy: @Indianabuc try now.
    Yesterday at 09:32:56 PM
  • Brent: I like that people are able to change their names, that's a good option.
    Yesterday at 09:34:22 PM
  • Daddy: Explained>> When ProFSL inducted you into the Hall Of Fame, it reset your personal settings. You didnt have your account where you could see boards. Ive updated this. Lmk if that fixes the issue. :toth:
    Yesterday at 09:34:39 PM
  • Daddy: Goto "look and layout"
    Yesterday at 09:36:48 PM
  • Daddy: More updates coming... I am here to assist at all times.
    Yesterday at 09:37:57 PM
  • Daddy: @Brent agreed. Idk why they never did any of this but its a new day buddy.
    Yesterday at 09:42:58 PM
  • Brent: I like it.  I changed mine back when I was on the paid staff for a bit.
    Yesterday at 09:45:03 PM
  • Daddy: Had this dude in BTL say.. "ProFSL is a business, why should we move over there." -Jabroni (Because we are the best at what we do and we wouldn't have charged you a thing.)
    Yesterday at 09:53:43 PM
  • Daddy: Host your league here as our guest. Enjoy our amenities and move at your own pace. This place is where LIVE Dynasty lives.
    Yesterday at 09:55:58 PM
  • Ben: Once you go ProFSL you can't ever go back to normal fantasy & dynasty leagues! The difference & experience is night & day
    Yesterday at 10:14:47 PM
  • Rhino7: I have a few leagues I may move here one day.
    Yesterday at 10:57:44 PM
  • Rhino7: They’re on espn
    Yesterday at 10:57:57 PM
  • Daddy: We are the ESPN of Dynasty Sports & @Rhino if i change my name i break the site. Oh welp.
    Yesterday at 11:00:52 PM
  • TheLongHorn: It's been too many days since a trade happened in NFL LIVE, its making me itch
    Yesterday at 11:16:06 PM
  • Daddy: Hold on. Its coming. Its going to explode very shortly.
    Yesterday at 11:20:34 PM
  • Alpha5: I finally figured a way out of the hole I put my NFL LIVE franchise in. It's gonna be a process
    Yesterday at 11:28:25 PM
  • Alpha5: But I figured a way out
    Yesterday at 11:35:10 PM
  • indiansnation: Hey listening on offers on glasnow in mlb live wont go cheap so send me your best offer
    Yesterday at 11:58:37 PM