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Author Topic: Analyzing the Hiring Process  (Read 9245 times)

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Offline shooter47

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Re: Analyzing the Hiring Process
« Reply #60 on: May 12, 2011, 11:17:01 AM »
FYI to shooter, GMs must spend almost a year with a franchise before being eligible to switch.

I have no plans on switching anytime soon.  I am committed to re-building the Orioles and turning them into a contending franchise.  However I would like the option in the future to move to a different team if being the GM of the Orioles becomes stagnant and uninteresting to me.
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Re: Analyzing the Hiring Process
« Reply #59 on: May 12, 2011, 11:14:04 AM »
FYI to shooter, GMs must spend almost a year with a franchise before being eligible to switch.
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Re: Analyzing the Hiring Process
« Reply #58 on: May 12, 2011, 11:08:45 AM »
I kinda have a problem with 'making a plan' to tell everybody.  I don't want anybody to know my strategy. 

Tenure would be the best tie-breaker for two people vying for one team.  I'd even say tenure in this league not on the site.

Okay maybe the commish can send out a private message and anyone who is interested can put their name in for consideration.  I have a hard time excepting that Tenure should be the ultimate deciding factor.  I think it should be considered but not the only reason a decision is made.  I think a GM's credentials, favorite team, activity in the league, should all be considered to help find the person who is the best fit for the team.  This is a large 30 team league with a few memebers who will never leave.  With the top 5-10 members getting the chance to move first just for the reason of being here first I may never get a chance to move to a different team.
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Needle Juice

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Re: Analyzing the Hiring Process
« Reply #57 on: May 12, 2011, 11:06:51 AM »
Please read why the better team - better GM is not a valid argument.  I posted as to why that was faulty logic.  A perfect example is myself.  I took a bad team because it was the only one available.  Not many people are breaking the door down to be the Padres.  Should I be stuck in SD because I took the only available team at the time I joined?  Should I have to quit and reapply to get away from there?  It's counter productive.

I get the logic, but in saying that you want the Padres in the 1st place, there is a responsibility to that.  You could have said, no I want to wait on a better opening.  I understand not waiting and jumping in, but there is a responsibility to the league when you say I will take on the Padres.  Some GMs fail on following through on this responsibility and therefore are no longer in the league. 

Just the other side of the coin. 
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Re: Analyzing the Hiring Process
« Reply #56 on: May 12, 2011, 10:57:56 AM »
I agree completely with you. An open GM spot should be made public to the entire league so everyone has the same oppurtunity.  My questions is if multiple GM's would like to switch how will that decision be made?  I am a big fan of the twins and if that position ever comes open I would love the chance to take over them.  If they are a good team and someone else gets to take over them because of tenure that would be fine I guess but I would still like a chance at throwing my hat into the ring.  Maybe interested GM's could make a posting about there plan as the new GM and why they would like to switch and then either a league vote of panel of members gets to make the choice?

I kinda have a problem with 'making a plan' to tell everybody.  I don't want anybody to know my strategy. 

Tenure would be the best tie-breaker for two people vying for one team.  I'd even say tenure in this league not on the site. 
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Re: Analyzing the Hiring Process
« Reply #55 on: May 12, 2011, 10:56:13 AM »
The reason, I put in finding the replacement is for the concept that we have discussed here.  You should not be able to freely move to the more marketable team without having some ownership of finding you replacement that is an active GM.  If you can't replace the GM in SD, then the more maketable team, NYY in this case, would make more sense for the league to replace to stay at a full, active count of GMs.

Please read why the better team - better GM is not a valid argument.  I posted as to why that was faulty logic.  A perfect example is myself.  I took a bad team because it was the only one available.  Not many people are breaking the door down to be the Padres.  Should I be stuck in SD because I took the only available team at the time I joined?  Should I have to quit and reapply to get away from there?  It's counter productive.
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Offline shooter47

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Re: Analyzing the Hiring Process
« Reply #54 on: May 12, 2011, 10:54:37 AM »
I think we should be careful with strategy.  Having to list the teams your waiting for could or could not play into this.  I just want to know about the open opportunities when they exist.  I don't want to find out about them through a post announcing their opening and closing.

I agree completely with you. An open GM spot should be made public to the entire league so everyone has the same oppurtunity.  My questions is if multiple GM's would like to switch how will that decision be made?  I am a big fan of the twins and if that position ever comes open I would love the chance to take over them.  If they are a good team and someone else gets to take over them because of tenure that would be fine I guess but I would still like a chance at throwing my hat into the ring.  Maybe interested GM's could make a posting about there plan as the new GM and why they would like to switch and then either a league vote of panel of members gets to make the choice?
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Needle Juice

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Re: Analyzing the Hiring Process
« Reply #53 on: May 12, 2011, 10:51:55 AM »
I think the waiting list is enough; so long as GMs are open about changing jobs.  I wouldn't want to find my replacement and then have to go back if they don't work out.  The Padres should not be of my concern once I've left that post.  It would make trading more difficult.  And, then you'd have to still find a player to take the job you just left to go back to the one that you filled but failed (Padres).

GM's just need to let the league know when they're planning a change or a swap.  This way nobody is left out of the opportunity.  The only thing I would create to make the system better, is a list based upon time put into the league.  The person with the most time in the league should get the first choice for a job...and so forth down the list.  If this is even necessary.

The real necessity and solution is what I stated before.  Corey should have made a post about him going to the Mets and how the Yanks would be open.  That would have solved the issue.

The reason, I put in finding the replacement is for the concept that we have discussed here.  You should not be able to freely move to the more marketable team without having some ownership of finding you replacement that is an active GM.  If you can't replace the GM in SD, then the more maketable team, NYY in this case, would make more sense for the league to replace to stay at a full, active count of GMs. 
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Re: Analyzing the Hiring Process
« Reply #52 on: May 12, 2011, 10:44:19 AM »
I like this idea and think it would help in situations like this.  Not sure what would be used to determine who gets priority to move to a new team but overall sounds like a good idea.  Maybe each team can name 5 teams it would like to move to in order of preference and if an opening for a team comes up the GM with the highest order of preference would get first chance to move.  Tenure could break any ties between GM's who have the same ranking.

I think we should be careful with strategy.  Having to list the teams your waiting for could or could not play into this.  I just want to know about the open opportunities when they exist.  I don't want to find out about them through a post announcing their opening and closing.
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Re: Analyzing the Hiring Process
« Reply #51 on: May 12, 2011, 10:40:10 AM »
So there is a fix.  We need a thread of Current GM's open to other opportunities.  Similar to the waiting list.  Chris would sign up, while I would not, right now.  This list can be updated at any time. 

I like this idea and think it would help in situations like this.  Not sure what would be used to determine who gets priority to move to a new team but overall sounds like a good idea.  Maybe each team can name 5 teams it would like to move to in order of preference and if an opening for a team comes up the GM with the highest order of preference would get first chance to move.  Tenure could break any ties between GM's who have the same ranking.
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