The World's Best Dynasty Leagues (GM's must have a fantrax ID to participate.)

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* Chat Room

Refresh History
  • Brian: Im ready when u are ready professor
    October 02, 2024, 12:24:06 PM
  • TheProfessor: saddle up
    October 02, 2024, 12:32:01 PM
  • TheProfessor: I have to head to class. Will be back around 315-330 ET to resume picks in MLB LIVE
    October 02, 2024, 01:44:47 PM
  • Brian: U are up professor in mlb live
    October 02, 2024, 04:13:25 PM
  • TheProfessor: sorry, was in a meeting. back at it now
    October 02, 2024, 04:40:09 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: ProFSL HOF WELCOMES @StlBlues91 & @JWalk100 [link] Thank you for all you have brought to this site! #Legendary
    October 02, 2024, 04:42:29 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: MLB LIVE EXPANSION DRAFT NOW IN SESSION [link] Halfway Complete
    October 02, 2024, 04:58:22 PM
  • TheLongHorn: Thanks Professor I was starting to feel left out
    October 02, 2024, 05:05:25 PM
  • TheLongHorn: Going to miss Ramos
    October 02, 2024, 05:05:38 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: The overwhelming majority of teams had very well protected lineups. Much was made of the first handful of selections.
    October 02, 2024, 05:18:32 PM
  • Yeagg: Diamondbacks roster is almost legal. Once my moves are processed, I can move Henry Davis back to the 40 man and we will be ready for the 2025 off season.
    October 02, 2024, 05:26:32 PM
  • TheProfessor: Made my last pick for a while. Will try to jump on late tonight. Thanks.
    October 02, 2024, 05:31:16 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: finally yall took one
    October 02, 2024, 06:03:32 PM
  • BayAreaBallers: jake bloss enjoy your new home
    October 02, 2024, 06:03:41 PM
  • Brent: Looks like I lost the 2 guys I thought I would
    October 02, 2024, 06:15:40 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: NHL LIVE Hockey Season begins in two days [link] Now Hiring for Colorado Avalanche!
    October 02, 2024, 06:50:09 PM
  • ldsjayhawk: FGM looking for up to 4 GMs for 2025: :TB:, :NYY:, :OAK: & maybe :NYM:
    October 02, 2024, 10:12:42 PM
  • ldsjayhawk: Inquire within... [link]
    October 02, 2024, 10:12:57 PM
  • Brent: Mahomes on the move in NFL Live.  Y'all should've ponied up b/c he went cheap.
    October 02, 2024, 10:28:28 PM
  • Brian: On 2 more pick.left for both of us in mlb live draft
    Yesterday at 01:34:33 PM
  • TheProfessor: my final pick is posted
    Yesterday at 01:43:32 PM
  • Brian: My final pick is posted
    Yesterday at 01:46:20 PM
  • Brian: Nove doing the draft with u Professor. Next exspansion team in a league u and i gotta do it again
    Yesterday at 01:47:42 PM
  • TheProfessor: congrats Brian - we finished strong!
    Yesterday at 01:48:03 PM
  • Brian: That was fun but alot harder than i thought it would be
    Yesterday at 01:48:32 PM
  • TheLongHorn: Damn it Brian, I traded a 1st round pick for Bubic
    Yesterday at 01:48:50 PM
  • TheLongHorn: I figured as a reliever currently no one would want him
    Yesterday at 01:49:21 PM
  • Brian: Long horn u should have given me better players to chose from
    Yesterday at 01:49:47 PM
  • TheLongHorn: Dalbec was sitting right there, he had 21 home runs three years ago
    Yesterday at 01:50:20 PM
  • TheLongHorn: Or no gloves Grisham
    Yesterday at 01:50:29 PM
  • Brian: Well u figured wrong. I had him on my list at the start of draft
    Yesterday at 01:51:03 PM
  • TheLongHorn: Your former Indians SP Curry was there too
    Yesterday at 01:51:43 PM
  • TheLongHorn: I left him just for you
    Yesterday at 01:51:53 PM
  • TheLongHorn: Guardians*
    Yesterday at 01:52:00 PM
  • TheProfessor: FYI, I need a few minutes to clean up the SS, to remove FAs from existing rosters
    Yesterday at 01:53:26 PM
  • Brian: Take your time professor no big thing
    Yesterday at 01:54:15 PM
  • Brian: Professor got 2 players i wanted langford and His last pick
    Yesterday at 01:55:13 PM
  • Brian: The hardest position for me was 1b. I was hopeing to get a prospect that was just coming up in mlb but their was no really good ones
    Yesterday at 01:56:37 PM
    Yesterday at 02:01:19 PM
    Yesterday at 03:18:57 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: Two new franchises are born. #First Baseball Expansion Draft in ProFSL History #MLB has work to do to catch up #LIVE
    Yesterday at 03:20:46 PM
  • MauriceAJR: Absolutely the best of the best in LIVE
    Yesterday at 03:24:34 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: NFL LIVE Week 5 Matchup/Preview [link]
    Yesterday at 04:38:03 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: Sign up for NCAA Dynasty Basketball here [link] powered by @Interpaga (I am his Co Commish this is separate from NCAA Hoops LIVE)
    Yesterday at 06:05:00 PM
  • STLBlues91: Im around to talk deals the rest of the night
    Yesterday at 06:05:06 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: I gotta say publicly that @Brian exceeded my expectations in that expansion draft. He was prepared. Not one mistake. He pulled that off masterfully. Kudos to both the expansion GMs! :toast:
    Yesterday at 07:53:34 PM
  • TheProfessor: What am I, chopped liver? Huh, no respect... [link]
    Yesterday at 10:46:53 PM
  • TheLongHorn: Gamblers had a great draft, both took advantage of teams not paying attention to their lineups
    Yesterday at 11:07:29 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: They took advantage of the 26 or so teams that did pay attention as well. @TheProfessor..... More was expected of you. :)
    Yesterday at 11:26:02 PM
  • LIVE DynastySports: You merely met expectations. :toth:
    Yesterday at 11:27:16 PM

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